Digital Humanities

At the University of Chicago, humanists who employ digital methods in their work are supported by and collaborate with the computing experts, librarians, web specialists, and other scholars who make up the Digital Humanities staff. Faculty may receive guidance on their projects ranging from the small-scale—such as digital note card management—to the complex—such as an interactive map integrating historical GIS and encoded textual data. They find opportunities to connect with other scholars, as well as to expand their skill sets, whether they are currently engaged in digital humanities research or just beginning. More information can be found at the Digital Humanities website and blog.

Digital Humanities vs. Digital Studies

The term “digital humanities” is contested and, for many people, implies a focus on texts and literary studies and so does not include important aspects of computational linguistics or digital approaches in the visual arts and media studies—and perhaps does not even include non-textual digital work in archaeology, art history, history, and musicology.

For this reason, the title of "Digital Studies of Language, Culture, and History" used in the M.A. and minor is intended to reflect the inclusion of the numerous disciplines involved at the University of Chicago, among them anthropology, archaeology, art history, history, legal studies, linguistics, literary studies, media studies, musicology, philology, philosophy, religious studies, social theory, and visual arts. Scholars and students of these disciplines at the University are found primarily in the Humanities Division but are also found in the Social Sciences Division (especially in Anthropology, History, and Social Thought), the Divinity School, and elsewhere.